Jazz, movies & talks about Ray Charles & others. Jazz to dance with a good dose of soulvibe!
Artists like Ray Charles, Art Blakey and Ramsey Lewis introduced Soul Jazz; music that mixes jazz with a good dose of soul. The Amsterdam pianist Bas van Lier who masters this genre as no other and trumpet player / vocalist Michael Varekamp show you the soul in jazz.
Bas van Lier performed with the Deeldeliers (with Jules Deelder), Michael Varekamp performed with Louis! and I’m a Soulman and both are regular guests in talkshows as De Wereld Draait Door. Add the fantastic vocals of Eline Gemerts (known for Miles!) and the party is complete.
Varekamp & Van Lier start the concert with videos and anecdotes, to bring you in the mood for ‘soulhits’ like Georgia on my mind, I’ve got a wife and Mercy, Mercy, Mercy!
Michael Varekamp Trumpet / Vocals
Eline Gemert Vocals
Bas van Lier Piano
Harry Emmery Bass
Erik Kooger Drums
Bas van Lier in DWDD
DWDD ‘The Minute’ Summertime