di 28 mei 2024 - di 28 mei 2024 | 18:45 | Grote Zaal |

Comedy Night for Suicide Awareness

Join us for an unforgettable experience as we explore the intersection of comedy, mental health, and suicide awareness. This event is more than just entertainment; it’s an opportunity to touch upon important themes, such as mental health and suicidality, and to break down barriers.

Hosted by a talented MC, our comedy night features four diverse comedians, each bringing their unique perspectives on mental health and suicidality to the stage. From witty observations to insightful reflections, prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions and laughter.

Throughout the night, our comedians will navigate through the complexities of mental health and suicidality with humor and sensitivity, challenging stereotypes and fostering understanding. Whether you’re looking for a night of entertainment or hoping to gain some new insights, Lighten Up promises to deliver an engaging and thought-provoking experience.

Don’t miss out on this chance to laugh and learn. Together, let’s shine a spotlight on mental health and suicidality in a way that’s both entertaining and impactful.

Organized by Dr. Ruth Van der Hallen and Selina van de Meerakker, leaders of the ZonMw research project on ‘Conversations that Save Lives: Suicide Prevention for Students’.

GRATIS Inschrijving: https://forms.gle/JgXyFCJhskqmd43m6

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