Tue Nov 12, 2013 | 12.30 - 13.30 | Theatre |

Brown Bag Lecture: Why Germany leads and in what direction | Marnix Krop

With the best unemployment and growth rates, Germany performs better than every other Euro country and is thus strengthening its dominant position in the EU. The country’s influence seems to increase every week and has a decisive vote in current and upcoming European dossiers like the Bank Union. Chancellor Merkel has become the most important European leader for the USA and China to deal with, but can Germany also become a real global player?

Mr. Marnix Krop is the former Dutch ambassador to Germany. Before he also served in Poland and France and was the Director General for European Cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In his lecture he will focus on German European and foreign policy and will also touch upon his experiences working and living in Germany.

What is the German secret and how big is their influence on Dutch, European and global society? And what is the price to pay for their power?

This lecture will be held in cooperation between SG Erasmus, NGIZ (Dutch Society for International Affairs) and prof. dr. Ko Colijn (EUR).

 The Brown Bag Lectures of SG Erasmus offer a new insight or an inspiring guest speaker. The English spoken lunch lectures are held every week on Tuesday or Wednesday from 12.30 to 13.30 hrs. in the auditorium of the Erasmus Pavilion and are freely accessible, also for non-students. The kitchen of the Erasmus Pavilion is open for lunch, but bringing your own lunch is also allowed during this program.

For more information, see our complete agenda.

Organised by SG Erasmus

Free admission

For more information see the website of SG Erasmus

English spoken

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