Wed May 20, 2015 | 20:00 | Theatre |

Comedy experience presents Loco Toko picture show


Enjoy an evening of fun, film and laughter at the Loco Toko Picture Show! We’re licensed to kill one of your favorite movies with a unique combination of stand-up, improv, sketches and audience interaction that makes each show an unforgettable event. This time ‘Die Another Day’ will be shaken and stirred. Your mission is to order a vodka martini and join us for a thrilling night out. We expect you to die …laughing.
I.c.w. FBMG, Cedo Nulli, ED, In Duplo, ACE & FAECTOR

Loko Toko Picture Show
Wednesday 20 May, 20.00 – 22.00 hrs
Erasmus Paviljoen, Woudestein
Entrance € 5,-

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