Sun Dec 1, 2013 | | Foyer |
For 10 years, photographer Ronald van den Heerik pictured 150 students from the Erasmus University Rotterdam. These photographs, accompanied by the personal stories of the students, were published in Erasmus Magazine.
Now, 10 years later, Ronald visited these students again, took their picture and asked them what became of their ambitions and plans of that time .
The first black and white photos of Then and Now can be seen in this exhibition, the personal stories can be read on the site of Ronald van den Heerik.
An exhibition about the impact of the Erasmus University Rotterdam on the lives of students, the stories of the students and the beautiful pictures fit perfectly within the theme ‘Impact’ of the centennial of the EUR this year.
This Exhibition is a cooperation of Ronald van den Heerik, SG Erasmus and Erasmus Paviljoen
Organized by: Ronald van den Heerik, SG Erasmus and Erasmus Paviljoen
More informaton: Website Ronald van den Heerik Website SG Erasmus
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