Tue Feb 24, 2015 | 16:00 | Theatre |
What are the differences and similarities between cultural groups in the Netherlands on LGBT acceptance? How can one deal with family rejection because of their sexual orientation? How visible can and may one be as a gay in today’s multi-cultural society? And how are religion and acceptance related? Come to ‘Gay Tolerance in Multi-cultural Society’ and find out, debate with us and listen to other students experiences and opinions. An open-minded afternoon on sexual orientation in today’s society and the tension between cultural and sexual diversity.
Lectures and debate with, amongst others: DöneFil (Turkish boat at Gay Parade) and Radar. Moderation: Anna Tijsseling (RotterdamV)
Reservations for Gay tolerance in multi-cultural society
*source: ‘SCP rapport – De acceptatie van homoseksualiteit door etnische en religieuze groepen in Nederland, december 2014.’ (SCP Report – Acceptance of homosexuality by ethnic and religious groups in the Netherlands, December 2014.)
I.c.w. Erasmus Pride, Rainbow City and RotterdamV.
Gay tolerance in multi-cultural society
Tue 24 Feb | 16.00 – 17.30 | Free entrance | ENG
Erasmus Paviljoen
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