Discover neat novels & dirty lyrics at ‘Geen Daden Maar Woorden Festival’
Free Spoken Word Workshop and festival sneak peek at Erasmus University What is Spoken Word and how to master it. That you will learn in this workshop organized in cooperation with the Rotterdam based festival ‘Geen Daden Maar Woorden’ with literary talents, spoken word artists, singer-songwriters and more!
After this workshop you can join the special programme in the Erasmus Paviljoen with a short preview of the festival with literary talents, poets, spoken word artists, singer-songwriters and more!
The Rotterdam based festival ‘ Geen Daden Maar Woorden’ is freely translated ‘ Words speak louder than actions’. This festival takes place on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 September and presents literature in combination with other art disciplines.
The festival shows us literary talents, (inter)national poets and spoken word artists, singer-songwriters, film and (music) theatre. Special attention will be given to (re)discovering internationally renowned spoken word artists and poets.
Erasmus programme, free entrance:
• 3:00 – 4:00 PM: Spoken Word Workshop (max. 20 participants, register at XXX aanmeldingsformulier
• 4:30 – 5:30 PM: Festival programme at Erasmus Paviljoen with spoken word, music and poetry