Fri Oct 12, 2018 | 17:00 - 18:00 | Theatre |

#MeTooAcademia: The Learning Curve

The Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities (EGSH) has invited The Actor Society (Het Acteursgenootschap) to re-enact cases of harassment in academia, all based on real life experiences at EUR and other universities. After the play, PhD candidates, academic and support staff will discuss what you can do if you find yourself, your colleagues or members of your team in such situations.

The Learning Curve is a play which shows different gradations of harassment and also explores the individual and institutional responses that are possible and desirable.

About The Actor Society

Het Acteursgenootschap is a theatre company that creates theatre for science. It is well known for its play on integrity in science (the ConScience App). It has performed #MeToo scenes for the Dutch Association of Women Professors, and produces customised plays. The Learning Curve has been made at the special request of the Dean of the Graduate School, Professor Liesbet van Zoonen.

More information about this event (registration is required)


16.30   Welcome reception

Doors close at 16.55

16.55    Welcome by Graduate School Dean Professor Liesbet van Zoonen

17.00    Theatre play

17.30    Panel/audience dialogue

18.00    Drinks


Event information

Type: Theatre and dialogue

Date: October 12 (Friday) 2018

Time: 17:00 – 18:00 (doors close at 16.55)

Location: Erasmus Paviljoen Theatre (directions) Woudestein campus Rotterdam

Registration: Free. Deadline for registration is October 10 (Wednesday) 2018.





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