Mon Mar 6, 2017 | 19:45 - 22:00 | Grand-cafe |

Open Stage Night

Our monthly Open Stage Night invites all students to come and play on stage. Organized in conjunction with ESN Rotterdam.

On this evening, there is een open stage for all students and employees of Erasmus University, in order to show their talents. Music, dance, comedy; everything is welcome as long as it fits on the small podium of the grand cafe of Erasmus Paviljoen!

There is no entrance fee, so feel free to come by and perform, or just to watch the other great performers!

You can sign up via the sign up form. The second half of the evening is designated for spontaneous performances, which you can sign up for during the evening itself.

At this event the use of drums is not possible.

The registration form will close a week prior to the start of the event.



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