Tue Sep 17, 2013 | 13.00-14.30 | Theatre |

Prinsjesdag Live

Dutch spoken!

The King’s speech will be broadcast on a big screen (including scientific analysis). How are we going to battle the financial crisis next year? Which position will Europe take? And how will King Willem-Alexander perform during his first speech? During ‘Prinsjes dag Live’ we will watch the speech and festivities with an economist, philosopher and sociologist. We will follow the procession from Palace Noordeinde to the Ridderzaal, watch all the hats and listen to the King’s speech. Present will be:

  • Ferry Koster, Sociologist and researcher in the area of solidarity, labor market and policy
  • Tim de Mey, Philosopher and columnist of the Erasmus Magazine
  • Jolien Paalman, president of the Economische Faculteitsvereniging Rotterdam (EFR)

This programme is a cooperation of  SG ErasmusEFR and Erasmus Magazine. Journalist Tim Ficheroux will be moderator. Take a look here for the complete programme of Prinsjesdag.   

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