Tue May 24, 2016 | 20:00-22:00 | Theatre |

In Search of Europe

A theatre lecture by Lucas de Man with visions of new thinkers.
How do you see our time and society? Where do you stand in issues, such as the crisis around refugees and the closing of European borders? Theatre-maker Lucas de Man travelled to 17 cities in 8 countries in search of new visionaries to redefine Europe. In this theatre lecture he will take us on his journey through Europe and its history.
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How do you see our time and society? Where do you stand in issues, such as the attacks on European territory or the crisis around refugees and the closing of European borders? Theatre-maker Lucas de Man travelled to 17 cities in 8 countries in search of new visionaries to redefine Europe. In this theatre lecture he will take us on his journey through Europe and its history.

Click HERE to watch a lecture performance by De Man.

How do you see our time and society? Where do you stand in current hot issues, such as the attacks on European territory, trains crowded by refugees and the closing of European borders? What do you think should change and, more importantly, what are you doing about it?

With these questions in mind, theatre-maker Lucas de Man travelled to 17 cities in 8 countries in 30 days in search of a new visionaries to redefine Europe. He interviewed more than 20 young folks who are trying to change the society they live in for the better. It struck him that there is a new generation awakening and that they are ready to fight for chance.

Inspired by this journey, Lucas made a lecture performance De Man in Europe. He uses video fragments of the interviews to take his audience on a journey past the most important insights and battles of the young European generation he encountered. Along the way he’ll relates to previous transition periods of Europe: for example the shift from the Middle Ages to the renaissance. At that time a generation of visionaries appeared with Erasmus, Thomas More and Luther, on whose ideas Europe as we know it now was built. Is something similar happening now?

After talk with Lucas de Man and Hans Trapman
After the performance there will be an after talk with Lucas Man and Hans Trapman (em. Professor Cultural History at the ESHCC / EUR, one of the scientists interviewed by Lucas de Man.


Entrance: € 5,- / € 7,50,-

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