Tue Oct 24, 2017 | 20:00 - 21:30 | Theatre |

The Science Behind Superheroes | Lecture

Will we have super powers in the (near) future? How do superheroes inspire scientists in mind-blowing research? What effects will superpowers have on society? Barry Fitzgerald (TU Delft) explains the science behind superheroes and shows us that scientists are surprisingly close to actually developing their incredible superpowers! If you’ve ever wondered how Spider-Man developed his web slingers, if you’ve always wanted an Iron Man suit or curious about having the accelerated healing powers of Wolverine then this programme is a must-see for you!

Where do superheroes come from? What lies at the base of their mythology? And why are Jesus, Mohammed or Buddha not associated with superheroes, but ‘lesser gods’ like Thor are prominent in comic book and film features? Etienne F. Augé (EUR) explains the origin & future of superheroes. Ever wondered why man created superheroes? What does religion and golems have to do with the sci-fi world of superheroes? Watching the next adventures of Logan, Captain America or Superman will never be the same!

Prior knowledge of beta science (nor) superheroes is not necessary.


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